
Showing posts from October, 2023

Our Groups

We started based on the USA diet and are mostly administrated by USA based people. So much of our information is USA based and biased. If you live outside the USA, we have groups for you (see the "Sister Groups" list at the end of this post), your experience may vary from our main group and your products will vary in ingredients, even for the same named products. Every country has their own regulations and laws that foods must meet and this affects which ingredients are in a product from country to country.  Our Main Group can be found here: Our Topical Groups: Corn Allergy Social Club - A Coping Group : Originally started as a way to keep us from losing our minds during Covid, this group has become our social hub for sharing memes, jokes, fun, stories, and off-topic entertainment and resources. No medical discussions or allergy discussions allowed. Just fun, social, and helpful.

Group Guidelines - The Rules

  The Rules: Privacy: This group is a closed group, as such, non-members cannot see anything you post here. It is understood that any personal thoughts/words/conditions posted here and shared here stay within the group, or at the very least are not shared to a member's friends or family that are not in this group. We want to keep this a safe place for our members to share and vent, as most of us do not have any other outlet where people will understand. Thank you for understanding.   See also:   Posts:   Be Polite and Add Value . Please be polite and constructive in your posts. We're not always going to agree, and disagreement is a natural way of life.   Disagreements and even lively discussions are allowed if not encouraged, as it allows people to see all sides of a discussion and differing viewpoints often help people find the right path for them.   No Namecalling or Abusive Speaking : Do not personal

Group Guidelines - Getting Started

 (We've moved our rules list to this blog in hopes of a better method of communicating them to members. If you have questions on any of this, please address the Group Admins privately. Most of this is already addressed in the Group's pinned posts, so you can also search the group for more information. ) Getting Started! Please feel free to ask any questions about foods, reactions, allergy, or intolerance no matter how stupid you think it might be or how crazy. Often if you're wanting to ask, there's someone else wanting to know the answer as well.   Almost everyone who is new to this group (or new to our sister group at Delphi) is overwhelmed within minutes of coming here.   Being overwhelmed, or thinking that we're all f'n crazy, is pretty normal. We've all been there, and we've all had that moment of "OMG they're not crazy. I'm so screwed." Breathe! We strive to be pretty corn-free here, and free of corn in lots of ways that aren'